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We help Companies, Shareholders and Investors on igniting its NEW BUSINESSES. It’s one of the main business line at Plata Capital. We are not restricted to the DIGITAL FIELD, we help from Inception, Market Analysis, Conception and Go To Market, indeed, there are situations when we serve as the initial MANAGEMENT



Invariably, our clients are interested in “crossing” the Real Economy knowledge with a digital approach. Classic Examples are start ups interested in implementing financial tools and on the other hand, traditional companies are looking for INNOVATIVE approaches with start ups mindset



Beside the digital start ups, we also advise on building new businesses for FINANCIAL INVESTORS and businessmen whose core businesses are different from the potential investment.  We provide appropriate new BUSINESS IGNITION and afterwards, we hand over to a new leadership appointed by the Investors

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Typical cases:  i) companies requiring outside stamina for its new business, ii) businessmen requesting a spin off of a growing business line e iii) entrepreneurs in need of capital injection to continue growing its enterprises


Recent deals: a) Market Analysis, Negotiation and Implementation of a Senior Living operation in the US; b) Build Up of an online insurance brokerage operation; c) Conception and structuring of an investment platform in the agribusiness sector; d) Build Up and Operation of a lot development company in the countryside of São Paulo/SP


Do you see yourself in one of these narratives? Get in touch with us or +55 11 5698 9898

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